Installing Waterloo in MATLAB
Either:- Copy the MATLAB script shown below and paste it into the MATLAB Command Window. (Note: this is best done in a "fresh" instance of MATLAB).
- Run "waterloo" at the MATLAB command prompt in this, and subsequent, MATLAB sessions. This will set up the MATLAB search and Java class path.
- Download the ZIP
- Extract the "waterloo" folder to home folder's /Documents sub-folder. All folders are required.
- Add the "Waterloo_MATLAB_Library" folder to the MATLAB path
- Run "waterloo" at the MATLAB command prompt in this, and subsequent, MATLAB sessions. This will set up the MATLAB search and Java class path.
if ~isempty(which('waterloo.m')) fprintf('\nIt looks like Waterloo is already present at:\n%s\n',strrep(which('waterloo.m'),[filesep 'Waterloo_MATLAB_Library' filesep 'waterloo.m'],'')); fprintf('Delete the old waterloo folder and remove it from your MATLAB path first.\n'); else installFolder=fullfile(char(java.lang.System.getProperty('user.home')), 'Documents'); disp('Downloading zip.....this will take a minute or two'); f=unzip('', installFolder); disp('Files have been copied to:'); if ~isempty(f) fprintf('Installed the following %d files/folders:\n', numel(f)); for k=1:numel(f) disp(f{k}); end end if isempty(strfind(f{1}, 'Waterloo_MATLAB_Library')) disp('Looks like this is the wrong zip file. Stopping'); else if isdir(fullfile(installFolder,'waterloo','Waterloo_MATLAB_Library')) addpath(fullfile(installFolder,'waterloo','Waterloo_MATLAB_Library')); fprintf('\n%s has been added to the MATLAB search path.\n', fullfile(installFolder,'waterloo','Waterloo_MATLAB_Library')); fprintf('\nIf your MATLAB search path been modified since startup (e.g. by software like Waterloo),\nyou should probably answer ''No'' below and add the path manually in a "clean" instance of MATLAB\n'); response = input('Save the new path for future use [y/N]: ', 's'); if (lower(response)=='y') savepath(); end fprintf('\nTo use Waterloo, type "waterloo" at the MATLAB prompt'); fprintf('\nThis is best done AT THE START of each MATLAB session as waterloo call''s MATLAB''s javaaddpath function\nwhich can clear existing work\n'); fprintf('\nRemember that for future MATLAB startups, you need to add:\n%s\nto the MATLAB path if you did not save it above\n\n', fullfile(installFolder,'waterloo','Waterloo_MATLAB_Library')); else disp('Installation was not successful'); end end end